
Week of March 25-31, 2024

Written by Mill Valley Little League | Apr 22, 2024 7:06:56 AM

Rainouts, rainouts, go away! Hopefully the arrival of April will bring sunnier skies and no cancellations to our ballplayers. We did squeeze in some weekday games, featured below. Action resumes this week before next week’s pause for Spring Break.


Tigers 5, Rays 2 — Tigers pitchers Kadin Mokari, Ryan Lynch, Jack Chaudhry and Levi Weber surrendered just three hits with four walks and 10 strikeouts in the win. Weber led the Tigers with two hits, including a double. Dylan Vanatta also smacked a double for two RBIs. 

For the Rays, Beckett Glynn went 2-for-2.

Giants 4, Red Sox 2 — Brodie Williams went 3-for-3 with an RBI and a run scored and threw two innings allowing only one unearned run to lead the Giants. Hunter Getty added two RBIs and Reid Holbrook (two innings, five Ks) and Rory Murphy (two innings, four Ks) finished on the mound.

For the Red Sox, Jack Payne whiffed four in two scoreless innings and Sam Farnell went 2-for-2, while Quinn Kelly smashed a double and Cole Swift added an RBI single.

Yankees 6, Reds 0 — A scoreless game into the 5th inning changed when the Yanks erupted for six, led by Oscar Karlen’s bases-clearing three-run double. Archie Byrne, Oscar Walker and Mikey Peavy added RBIs in the rally. Karlen (two innings, five Ks), Walker, Sebastian Fals, Max Vreede and Charlie Davies added scoreless work on the mound.

For the Reds, Matthew Cao hurled two scoreless innings and Ronan Coyne smacked two hits, including a double. Landon Le pitched a scoreless inning.


Diamondbacks 4, Cubs 1 — The D-Backs used six pitchers to combine for 16 strikeouts. Stone Strader reached base three times and pitched a spotless frame for the winners.

Cubs pitchers Tyler Feduska, Abdullah Mullah and Zach Cornelius combined for 10 whiffs.

Giants 7, Mariners 4 — Laszlo Winn, Jonas Jackson and Charlie McIntosh each had two hits to lead the Giants. For the Mariners, Cody Chittenden struck out four in two innings and Les Sollner went 2-for-2.


Pirates 10, Rockies 0 — Ian Boley, Zack Everett and Stefen Sigg pitched well fo the Pirates and defense for the Bucs was led by Otto Fackler’s unassisted double play, and another twin-killing authored by Simon Daniels and Boley. 

Royals 3, A’s 0 — Royals beat the Athletics 3-0 on a very wet / muddy night.  0-0 game through three innings when the Royals were able to scrape across a few runs on a triple by George Quist and RBIs by Oliver Lynch and Quinn Ensley.  


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