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Week of March 18-24, 2024

Despite the unfortunate rainouts of Saturday, March 23, there was plenty of action in Majors, Minors and Minors AAA last week, including three thrillers in the Majors that went to the last pitch. Here’s to dry days ahead and Easter baskets full of baseballs for all!


Reds 2, Giants 0 — Brooks Merrick's two-run single in the top of the 7th gave the Reds a win in extra innings on Thursday night vs the Giants. Liam Connell, Jordan Miller and Matthew Cao each pitched two scoreless innings and Hudson Wayne closed the 7th for the Reds. 

For the Giants, six scoreless innings were spun by Brodie Williams, Chance Donahue, Gray Getty, Evan Wolly and Rory Murphy. Williams, Donahue, Fletcher Lucanic, and Hunter Getty all had hits for the Giants. 

Rays 7, Yankees 6 — In an exciting game full of highlight defensive plays by both teams, the Rays edged out the Yankees on a steal of home by Beckett Glynn in the bottom of the 7th inning. The Rays had three hits from Davis Marshall, two hits from both Glynn and Henry Ellis and two RBIs from Boden Medow. Glynn, Walker Yaeger and Teddy Klaassen each pitched two innings while Medow pitched a scoreless 7th inning for the Rays.

The Yankees were led by Charlie Davies with 3 hits and Oscar Walker and Mikey Peavy with 2 hits each.

Red Sox 8, Tigers 7 — The Red Sox completed a comeback when Liam Koss stole home in the bottom of the sixth. The Sox had trailed, 7-3. Koss added two scoreless innings on the hill and Jack Seidel went 2-for-2 for the Red Sox. 

For the Tigers, Kadin Mokari threw two scoreless innings and fanned four, and Ricky Ames, Jack Chaudhry and Dylan Vanatta each had two-hit days.


Cubs 10, Giants 4 —Abdullah Mullah and Tyler Feduska each pitched well for the Cubs and Zach Cornelius pitched a scoreless fifth and final inning. On offense, the Cubs enjoyed RBIs from Jude Willard, Zach Cornelius, Avery Peshkin, Tate Shackleton, Tyler Feduska, and Rhodes Tewksbury. 

For the Giants, Everett Bailey, Oscar Campbell and Jonas Jackson each went 2-for-2.

Mariners 6, Phillies 5 — The M’s completed a comeback when a Cooper Maddex fielder’s choice scored Beau Bremer in a nail-biter. The Phils built a 5-2 lead behind solid pitching from Milo Davies (two strikeouts) and Jack Devlin (three Ks), and big hits from Devlin (2-for-3 with a triple), Camden Nelson (2-for-3) and Henry Schmidt’s hit and RBI.

The Mariners came back with big hits from Maddex (2-for-3, five steals) and Ezra Pope-Meyer and Knox Medow. Strong pitching from Cody Chittenden (four Ks in two innings), Medow and Rivington Lee aided the Mariners.

Rangers 11, D-Backs 6 —Paxton King and Wyatt Droege had two hits each and a combined five RBIs, then teamed up for three innings and eight combined strikeouts on the hill.

Austin Coleman had a big catch in right field and a scored a run for the Rangers.   

Jasper Persson had two hits for the Diamondbacks, while Cameron Welstead and Lucas Parrett threw a combined four innings with eight strikeouts.

Cubs 8, Phillies 2 — The Cubs had contributions across the lineup, with timely hits from Abdullah Mullah, Avery Peskin, and Zach Cornelius. RBIs came from Tate Shackleton, Avery Peskin, Jude Willard, Tyler Feduska, and Joe Blancarte. Mullah started the game and gave up one run in two innings. Tate Shackleton also pitched two innings and gave up one run. Tyler Feduska closed things out in the fifth and final inning.

For the Phillies, Milo Davies threw two shutout innings and Henry Schmidt pitched two strong innings, striking out four. Catcher John McClatchy threw out a Cubs runner attempting to steal 3rd base.  Jack Devlin belted a run-scoring single and David Sills legged out an infield hit. 


Cardinals 8, Rockies 5 — Great defense by the Cardinals’ Jakson LaKritz, Jeffers Pickard and Gavin Schwartz led the Redbirds.

Pirates 3, A’s 0 —Jack Gracey hit a line drive down the first base line for an inside-the-park home run and Otto Fackler smacked a double and a triple to lead the Pirates, who received strong pitching from Stefen Sig.

Royals 3, Giants 1 — Oliver Lynch stroked an RBI double and RBI triple and added some strong defense in a pitcher’s duel. Joel Sollner closed it out for the Royals with a clean final frame.

The Giants were led by the strong pitching of Liam Pirrone, Nate Klein, and Preston Rhodes, who struck out a combined 11 batters and were dominant for long stretches.  

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